Public Education and Community Outreach is led by Captain Vincent Jaunai. Captain Jaunai can be contacted via email at 860-243-8949 or

Our education goals are simple: to help people avoid danger and, when that is impossible, know how to react during an emergency.

  • Our annual May event gives the public the chance to safely experience a smoking vehicle and ask questions of us and the other first responders join in this important community event, like the police who teach the proper installation method for car seats. Funds raised support health organization or youth groups.
  • We visit schools, especially during October, National Fire Prevention Month, to show children the equipment we use to battle fires, including the gear we wear and the trucks we drive. We also start a good fire to cook up some tasty hot dogs and other refreshments for our visiting friends!
  • The firefighters are proud to participate in meet-and-greet with, groups, and church organizations to provide information and conduct activities that will make for a safer community for all of us.
  • We offer an internship program to Bloomfield High School students who are in good academic standing. Two to four students who might be interested in a public safety career have the opportunity to work alongside firefighters, listen to guest speakers from various emergency service disciplines, and gain a unique educational experience over six weeks.

Juneteenth! - Celebrate Freedom 2023

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